04.03.2025Quest solution to: Maze of Fury has been added.
04.03.2025Mystery Quest was solved. It was dubbed by RSST as „Hell Halls”, walkthrough will be available within few days.
01.03.2025We welcome Galrond Darkstone as a member of our guild.
28.02.2025We welcome Opa Wetterwachs as a member of our guild.
28.02.2025We welcome Deadly Rookguardian(Deadly) as a member of our guild.
28.02.2025We welcome Larwa(Kuter) as a member of our guild.
28.02.2025Rookie(Phayzed) was was estabilished as Decanus Explorationis!
28.02.2025Puppy(antarcticPuppy) was estabilished as Rector Academiae.
28.02.2025Rookgaard Science Society of Tibia was founded. Founding members were: Puppy(antarcticPuppy), and Rookie(Phayzed).
28.02.2025Guild creation at guild-link.